Ali has had a cough and runny nose for a couple weeks now, but she's been her happy self and not running a fever, so I didn't think it was a big deal. I also have been trying not to be the overprotective first-time mom. Well, this morning I noticed that her cheeks were pink, and she felt warm. She was fussy and all she wanted to do was sleep. We took her temperature, and it was 100.2. It is not considered a fever for infants unless the temperature is over 100.4, but since there have been cases of RSV, Strep and Flu at her school, we went ahead and called the pediatrician's office. They told us to go ahead and bring her in. At the doctor's office, Ali had a temperature of 100.7 and she tested positive for RSV. Fortunately, her oxygen levels were good, her lungs sounded clear, and her ears looked fine. Apparently, RSV can develop into bronchitis and pneumonia in young babies, but we're hoping that Ali can fight it off. The last thing I want is for her to be in the hospital! We gave Ali some infant tylenol, and she immediately seemed to feel better. All we can do is watch her and make sure her breathing doesn't get worse. Please send good vibes and prayers this way!
I snapped this picture at the doctor's office this morning. Check out the pink cheeks! If she weren't sick, I'd think she was wearing blush. Poor sweet baby Ali...
I snapped this picture at the doctor's office this morning. Check out the pink cheeks! If she weren't sick, I'd think she was wearing blush. Poor sweet baby Ali...