Monday, April 5, 2010

Crazy Chinese Gender Prediction Calendar

Everyone keeps asking me if I have a feeling of whether I'm having a boy or a girl.  I not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be feeling, so I thought I'd check out the Chinese Gender Prediction calendar.  Those crazy Asians... so apparently, there are two ways to input information for the Chinese Gender Prediction Test.  One method is inputting your conception date.  Since I know exactly what date that is, I thought it would be a good method to try.  When I put in January 20th, the test says...
You're having a Boy!

Then just for kicks, I tried the other method which is inputting your due date.  I entered my due date of October 12th, and the results said...
You're having a Girl!

Really?  That wasn't very helpful.  Which one is it?  I think I'm going with Todd's sister Tiffany's idea of going to buy a gender prediction pee test at Walgreens.  That surely will not give me two different answers, or will it?


An said...

I came across a Chinese gender prediction chart when I was prego... said it was 90% accurate. Well, I plugged in my info and it told me we were going to have a boy. Sure enough, it was a girl. :)

Aileen said...

Totally worked for all my friends! But it didn't for me. It said I was having a boy and nope, it was a girl. In fact, it said every month of conception but one predicted a boy. Because it worked for my friends, I was 80% sure we were having a boy and I started giving up hope and began looking at boy stuff. So Brian and I were in shock when our sonographer told us it was a girl! But so happy and wouldn't change it for the world. Can't wait to hear what you're having! So exciting!

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