Friday, April 9, 2010

Food Issues: Not Good News for this Pregnant Foodie!

Does this look delicious to you?

How about this?

NOT to me!!!  These are things that I used to eat all the time.  Now that I'm pregnant, the sight and really even thought of a big hunk of meat is really repulsive to me.  Sad.  As a result, I've been eating mostly fruits and vegetables, pastas, beans and other non-meat items.  Todd and I used to cook meals together all the time, but since we can't eat the same things anymore (because he obviously is not giving up meat), we have to make separate meals.  I hope I'm not becoming a vegetarian... not that there's anything wrong with it.  I just really like meat.

This is what I've been craving these days...

Is that supposed to mean something?  Some people tell me it means I'm having a girl.  We'll see.


Alyssa M. said...

Yum, I think the ice cream is a better choice than the meat!

Sarah said...

What's wrong with an ice cream diet? I fully support this.

The Pillsbury Family said...

Cindy - no worries! I didn't cook for 5-6 months and rarely ate any meat! I couldn't do dairy but definately wanted sweet treats - eat what you can, when you can!

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