Friday, May 21, 2010

Oh Boy, Oh Boy... it's Official!

We are having a GIRL!  Todd and I went to our doctor's appointment on Wednesday, and we were SHOCKED to find out the news.  I honestly had convinced myself that the Gender Prediction Pee Test and the Chinese Gender Prediction Calendar couldn't both be wrong.  When the sonographer typed "GIRL" on the screen, I couldn't believe it!  I'm so excited that Baby L will be a girl.  Of course I would have been happy with either a healthy baby boy or a baby girl, but I'm honestly SO thrilled that we're having a girl. 

Besides finding out the sex, this sonogram was basically an inventory count of our baby's body parts.  We were able to confirm that she has 10 fingers and 10 toes and that she has all of her major organs.  The sonogram was 24 minutes long, but unfortunately (or fortunately for you), I can only upload a video up to 10 minutes long.  I tried to cut some of the not-so-interesting parts out, but it is close to 10 minutes long.  Feel free to fast forward, etc.  Baby L decided to be shy this time and was laying face down for most of the sonogram, so it's hard to really see much unless you're a pro.  I'm still impressed by what the sonographer could make out.  The sonogram starts off by telling us Baby L is a girl.  Then, we take an inventory of her organs... they are all accounted for and all measured in the 50% percentile - good news!  Toward the end of the sono, she did a little turn so you can actually see her profile.  I can't wait to meet her!


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