Thursday, November 4, 2010

2 Week Old Update

Yay!  Our little girl has started gaining weight, finally!  At Ali's 2 week appointment, she was up to 6lbs, 9.5oz from 6lbs, 0.5oz.  She's not quite back to her birth weight of 6lbs, 12oz which is what we were hoping for, but 9oz is a good start.  We have to continue weekly weight checks until she gets back to birth weight.  Until then, I'm still on a strict 2 hour feeding schedule which includes breast feeding, bottle feeding and pumping at every feeding.  The whole feeding process takes about an hour so I only have an hour between feedings to do things that I need to get done (i.e. showering, eating, household chores, etc.)  Basically, I am currently a feeding machine and my life completely revolves around feeding this baby.  I hope this eases up soon!

Ali's 2 Week Stats:
Weight: 6lbs, 9.5oz (25th percentile)
Height: 20.75in (75th percentile)
Head: 35cm (25th percentile)
So... we have a long and lean skinny minnie!

Happy 2 Week Birthday, Ali!  (Again, I'm a day late....)


Team Maechler said...

Ahhhh...such a cutie, and SO wide-eyed and SO much hair! Seriously not getting my fill of pictures of sweet Ali, so move Picasa web albums to the top of your 'to do' list!!

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