Sunday, January 23, 2011

Am I a Bad Parent?

Some people may think I'm a bad parent...
  • Last Friday, I walked into daycare to pick Ali up at 5:30pm, and she was the last kid left in her class!  Seriously?  Don't people work til 5pm anymore?  I'm unemployed, so I don't really have an excuse... except that Todd and I wanted to take Coco on a run before going to get Ali.  I do feel a bit guilty though.
  • We let Ali stay up late at night.  She usually doesn't go to sleep until 9pm.  But the kid will sleep until 5:30am.  I'll take that.  We'll move her bedtime up as she gets older. 
  • Ali sleeps in her swing at night.  She likes it, and selfishly, we don't want to walk up and down the stairs to her room.  We plan to move her to her crib in her room when she is 4 months old and ready for sleep training.
  • We let Coco lick Ali.  Not much.  But Coco definitely gets a kiss or two in once in a while.
  • I still have a drink or two even though I'm breastfeeding.  Don't worry, I test the alcohol level with a milkscreen test kit that looks like litmus paper to make sure I'm not giving my child alcoholic milk.  On some days, I know I'm a better mom after I have that glass of wine.
  • We take her to daycare (yes, she goes to daycare) even though there are cases of RSV, Strep and Flu at her school.  There are none in her class.  Obviously, I don't want our baby to get really sick, but I'd like to expose her to some germs to help build her immune system.  
Some people may question our parenting decisions, but how can you argue with it when our precious Ali is such a happy baby!


The Pillsbury Family said...

Haha! No worries - the best thing about being a parent is that you can make up your own rules!!! It is nice to get advice from others but in the end, I always just do what I want and think is best!

Sarah said...

Well said! I LOVE that last picture- absolutely adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Please don't sleep train

Cheryl said...

What the heck is sleep training? We just made it a rule, kids NEVER slept in our bed. BAD habit to break. Don't know about sleep training, sounds kind of voodooish.....

The Manuel Family said...

The pictures of Ali are so cute!

Becky Mata Narvaez said...

I loved reading this! Bad momma! lol

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