Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sleeping Beauty is on the Move!

Ali does not stay still when she sleeps.  This little girl gets a workout moving around in her crib.  This is how I lay her down in her crib at bedtime:

Often times, she turns to sleep on her side. Check out that crazy hair pattern.  We call her tufts of hair her "horns" since she has it on both sides.  It's perfect for our little Texas Longhorn!

Ali starts scooting around in her crib before we even go to bed.  Here she is starting her rotation.

In the morning, I walk into her room to find her in the opposite direction that I left her!

She really doesn't cry in the morning.  She just makes some noise and waits for us to come pick her up.  If you know me, you know how hard it used to be for me to get up in the morning.  Well, that has completely changed.  I can't resist getting out of bed to go pick up this sweet angel... even if it is 6am on Saturday morning.  I know this can't last forever, so I'll enjoy it while I can!


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