It's a gender preditcion pee test that tells you if you are having a boy or a girl. I have no idea how it works or how accurate it is since there was nothing other than directions in the box. The pee will stay yellow if it is a girl and turn green if it is a boy. Based on the test, we are having a BOY!
I told Todd the news, and he gave me some good reasons to have a boy:
- It will be much cheaper than having a girl. We will only have to pay for a rehearsal dinner instead of a wedding. Todd did say it will be best rehearsal dinner ever!
- We won't have to worry about our child getting pregnant at 16. (I guess we will only have to worry about him getting a girl pregnant at 16!)
- Todd will be able to start our son out early and take him to the golf course when our son is 6 months old - whatever!
Yeah, golfing isn't cheap!
OMG - could it be true? I've heard stories of these OTC tests being accurate, but I've heard of inaccuracies too. You'll know soon enough (assuming Baby Levreault cooperates on May 19 :). BTW, still patiently waiting for belly pics!
I totally did one of those tests...and it was correct! I hope the baby cooperates when you do go in for your ultrasound - so exciting!
We need a little boy in our group of friends! (but will, of course, be very happy with another little girl)
You will love a little boy!!! I am Nathan's "sweetheart"!!!
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