Monday, September 20, 2010

37 Week Appointment

This is one reason I really enjoy my weekly doctor's appointments:

They always have the most recent issue of People magazine in the waiting room!  I love being able to catch up on my celebrity scoop, although getting the first appointment after lunch doesn't really give me enough time to read the magazine as thoroughly as I would like.  I  am now caught up on Elin's post divorce interview, and I learned today that Kate Gosselin got this body by working out and eating right, not plastic surgery.  She did have a tummy tuck after the sextuplets but says that only got rid of the excess skin.  Not really sure what I believe, but regardless, this gives me hope that I can look decent after Ali is born.  I'd like to have Kate's body, but I should probably be realistic and set attainable goals. 

According to my doctor, Baby Ali is head down in position, has dropped, and I'm 75% effaced!  I think this baby is just about finished cooking!  I haven't started dilating yet, but the doctor thinks that once I start having contractions, she'll be ready to come out.  She did say that she thinks I'll make it at least another week.  Technically, anywhere between 37 and 42 weeks is considered full-term, so I could go into labor any day now!  Wahoo!  We can't wait to meet her.


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