Friday, September 10, 2010

Baby Ali Update

We went to the doctor yesterday and had a sonogram!  We received good news:
  • All of the crazy things that I did (frozen veggies on top of my belly, yoga positions, pool time - no headstands, though) must have worked!  Ali is head down and in position to deliver!
  • My uterus is measuring small at 33cm (normal is 35cm), but Ali is estimated (based on head size, femur size, etc.) to be weighing 5.5lbs, which is normal.  My doctor estimated that she will weigh 7.5lbs if she comes on time.
  • I have a lot of amniotic fluid which is good.  Todd thinks that means if my water breaks, I'll be gushing liquid so he's even more anxious to go get us a waterproof mattress pad.
  • Baby Ali appears to not have any hair yet, and the sonographer commented that little boys can be bald, but little girls need to have hair.  Let's hope she grows some hair before she comes.  The sonographer also said that she has a small nose.  I think that's a good thing. 
All in all, everything looks good and normal.  Whew!  You would think that I would relax now, but I think I just turned one worry - needing to have a C-section - back to another worry - actually having to push this baby out.  Yikes!


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