Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Definitely Headed to the Hospital Today!

Well, I think I'm having contractions right now, so we may have a baby on the way soon!  I've been trying to time them because I'm not supposed to call my doctor until the contractions are 5 minutes apart, lasting for 1 minute each and have been on this pattern for at least 1 hour.  Currently, they are about 10 to 15 minutes apart.  If the contractions progress, Ali should be born soon! 

However, we are also scheduled to go into the hospital tonight at 8pm to start the induction process.  The plan is to start Cervidil tonight and hope that induces labor.  If it doesn't, then I will get Pitocin in the morning.  I'm in my 41st week, and my doctor does not want me to get to 42 weeks because she said that baby mortality and morbidity rates significantly increase at 42 weeks. 

Soooo... either way, I will be in the hospital tonight, and we'll have a baby soon!  We'll see if Ali decides to come on her own (hope so!) or if I end up having to be induced. 

We'll keep you posted!


Alyssa M. said...

YAY!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!!

Missy said...

I'm so excited for you that Ali will be here SOON! I know you have long awaited her arrival! It will be the most amazing day for you and Todd! I'll be praying for you Cindy that all goes smoothly for mom and baby both!

Ann said...

Yay Cindy and Todd!! All the best tonight! I'm sure this will be such an amazing experience. Your baby is almost here! whohoo! We have been eagerly awaiting updates. . . can't wait to see pics, and wish you all the very very best for a pain-free wonderful delivery!! Welcome Ali!

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