Monday, October 4, 2010

Still Pregnant...

Not sure why, but I have always thought Ali would come earlier than her October 12th due date.  It's October 4th, and I'm still pregnant.  I'm starting to think that she'll never come out, but my doctor assures me that in all of her years delivering babies, she's never had a case where the baby didn't come out.  Whew!  At my appointment today, there wasn't much change.  I'm still 75% effaced, about 1 cm dilated, and the baby has dropped and is in position ready to come out.  The doctor said my uterus was measuring pretty small, so we did a sonogram just to make sure there was nothing wrong.  No complaints from me - I was happy to get to see her again.  Since her head is pushed so far down, we didn't get a look at her face, but based on the measurements, she currently weighs about 6.5 lbs.  We passed the test and everything looks good.  So, I'm just back to the waiting game.  We did talk about an induction date, and if Ali doesn't decide to come on her own, I'm scheduled to go into the hospital Thursday, October 14th to start with cervidil and spend the night.  I think the plan would then be that I go into labor some time on Friday, October 15th.  So, if Ali doesn't decide to come on her own, I do have an end in sight!

In the meantime, I got my new camera this past weekend!

I've was very excited to play with my new toy, and Coco was my lucky subject.  I've mastered the auto modes, but I need to play around with the manual settings a little more.  I had some photography classes in high school, but I'm starting to think I should take a refresher course.


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