Thursday, November 25, 2010


In addition to being thankful for my family, friends, good health, etc., I am also VERY thankful that I had Ali in the Fall.  This means I can look forward to bundling up for the winter and wearing things like this:

Instead of stressing out about having to fit into something like this:

I'm also thankful
...that I can now reach my toes to give myself pedicures
...that I can safely eat deli meat without having to microwave it
...that I can eat sushi with no guilt
...that I can run again if I want to, not that I do 
...that I have an excuse to eat extra calories this holiday season
...that I can enjoy my wine at Thanksgiving
...and most of all, that I have a wonderful husband and healthy beautiful baby girl! 


Team Maechler said...

Great post, Chu! And where is that swimsuit from? I love it!

Alyssa M. said...

Love that outfit from Anthropologie! I'm thankful for that store!!!! :)

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